Recs from the Editors- Be Sweet

Photo by Ernest Porzi

Photo by Ernest Porzi

It’s AAPI Heritage Month, and we are continuing our Recs from the Editors by dedicating this month to AAPI creators! Next up, from editor Kameryn Alexa Carter:

When I hear the opening few seconds of Japanese Breakfast’s “Be Sweet” I’m immediately transported to about 1979— one foot in the prime era of disco and funk and the other in that of power ballads to come. I’m compelled to dance, something I don’t do unless I’m buoyed by champagne buzz. The gradual layering of the Bee Gees-esque bass line running underneath the cloud of synth! “Be Sweet” makes me miss lacing my fingers through those of my friends, as we twist our hips. “Be Sweet” is so yellow. The refrain— I wanna believe in you I wanna believe in somethin. 

I do. Don’t you? 

Emergent Literary

A literary journal for Black and brown work.

Recs from the Editors - Come What May


Recs from the Editors — TTSG